sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014

 Complete guide to "In-Place" Migration of a Domain Controller from Windows 2008 R2 to Windows 2012 R2

This little thing is a thanks to a friend who finaly convinced to bring online some of my work.

After an extended period of search and documenting I decided I was ready to undergo a migration of a Server holding the role of Domain Controller from Windows 2008 R2 to Windows 2012 R2.

The initial server was used in productin for over 4 years, since I managed to raise it from Windows 2003 level to 2008 R2.

Server roles: 
  • AD DS (+NTP)
  • DNS (integrated) + WINS (for older clients)
  • DHCP
  • File Server + DFS (unsuitable rolefor a domain controller, I know, but that's the way I inherited it, issue soon to be addressed)
  • Antivirus McAfee ePO -(obsolete role, already moved on other server, so not important)
Upgrade "in-place" just to grasp the concept, means to upgrade the operating system, preserving the initial file system, installed programs and configured roles of the initial server.
There are a lot of contradicting theories over the internet. Lots of people say that a proper upgrade from 2008 to 2012 must be done by installing a new server and configuring the roles all over again. There are others that say an "in-place upgrade" should be possible, with some brief info from Microsoft itself (details here). There are a few others who tried and succeeded this kind of upgrade and also briefly described . But no one so far (as of janury 2014 when the original text in romanian was published) documented such kind of process with plenty of information and pictures so I considered useful to share my experience with those who will face this kind of challenge.

Why "upgrade in-place" ?
Configuring a Domain Controller from scrap and also preserving all the initial functionality, serving the clients like no change happened, not to mention a need for a rather short window of downtime available, I think are enough reasons to avoid the alternative. And I experimented it the hard way a few years ago when I chose to do a clean install and importing/reconfiguring when I upgraded the domain from 2003 verson up to 2008. Maybe in the near future I will commit to a clean install and promote a brand new server, followed by decomissioning the current one. Given the "temporary" lack of available hardware I chose the "in-place upgrade" as the most convenient way.

How do we prepare.
First of all we make sure that any existing role on the server can be held by another server (and as alternative it's recommended to be prepared for a full restore from a fresh system or even bare-metal backup).
For holding the vital roles of AD DS and DNS I am relying on a freshly installed and promoted Secondary DC.
For the DFS role I have another two servers configured for read/only replication.
McAfee ePO role is already obsolete and planned to be removed(as I already told), all clients being migrated on another server, so it is not impacting any functionality.
So the single vulnerable role id DHCP. There is a /22 scope that has reservations and exclusions that we have to keep in mind. In case of emergency this role could be reconfigured from scrap without any trouble (keeping a last moment backup file in case the reservations/exclusions list is exhaustive would be advised).

A second mandatory step is being sure we have a full backup. There is ana alternative way that recommends a separate backup for AD database, for DHCP and so on, it never hurts having that. But, to be absolutely sure we have to be sure we have a "bare-metal" backup stored on a server with a static IP so we can reach it without an DHCP service operational. An average time for such a backup is about 20 minutes so restoring the server in case of failure would be pretty quick, having the operating system and vital roles restored very easy.( this can be the subject of another post for those interested).
The File Server role can be held by any of the read/only servers mentioned before, even if this role should not be vulnerable since the futher works will affect only the system partition and not the storage ones.

Now that we passed the prerequsites we can move to the core subject.

Steps to follow:
  • first we make sure we use credentials with administrative rights (at least domain-wide or even forrest-wide if needed)
  • apply all windows updates for bringing the system up to date (will be useful later)
  • check the AD schema to be at least at 2008 level for all servers holding the AD role. This can be done by checking a certain registry key (HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters\), htis key can hold different values: for Windows 2008 versions the right value is 47 (during migration its value will change to 56 for  Windows 2012 or 69 for 2012 R2)
  • make sure production can be stopped and all the services described before are offline
  • run the "bare-metal" with a destination folder/server different from scheduled backups backup, exactly before proceeding
  • Inserting a DVD containing a Windows 2012 Standard kit (or other desired operating system version) making sure that the initial version supports an "in-place upgrade" (same Microsoft page as refference); be aware we suppose to have an initial operating system that has a GUI (Graphic User Interface) and we plan to migrate to one of the same kind
  • AD DS Functional Level must be at least at 2003 level to be compatible ( be aware that a domain upgraded from 2000 to 2003 and then 2008 can still have a Functional Level of 2000 !!!). For a better understanding I sugest looking at this page Understanding AD Functional levels. For raising the Functional Level in case it is needed you may also check here
  • we run X:\support\adprep\adprep /forestprep from the DVD, whare X is the drive letter of your DVD drive: 

adprep command

  • Press "C" as required and then :
adprep result

           Now we are sure that schema went up to 2012 level so we can start the upgrade process.
      • We are ready to run the install process directly from the existing operating system's graphic interface, right from the root of the DVD. First step will look like this:
        copy temp files
        then we choose not to apply any updates (already done in the prep phase):
        no windows update
      • Then we choose the Windows version being aware of the GUI choice:
        choose windows with GUI
      • after that we choose to keep the file system, installed programs and already configured roles as they were ( remember the "in-place" concept), this choice assure no partitions will be altered so we keep the data on storage disks intact, including File Server and DFS roles:
        choose installation type (upgrade)
      • Right now the Windows install process makes sure the initial system is compatible with the new one:
        checking compatibility
      • in my case there was a particular compatibility problem consisting in some roles or features that cannot be ported on the new operating system:
        compatibility report (fail)
      • Stopping the install process and removing the said roles (asking for a restarting also):
        uninstall previously named roles
      • starting the install process again and following the same procedure we got a positive result (still having a little attention mark regarding vendors support):
        compatibility report (passed)
      • From now on the install job does its thing by copying the new files needed from the DVD disk:
        upgrading windows
      • Right now I eocountered a problem which needed further documentation:
        upgrade failed, reason McAfee
      • This was a little setback but after a quick search I found the McAfee antivirus client as being the cause. Beware, other antivirus, firewall or third party security tools may bring the same results. Disabling the antivirus client was the solution so... 
      • I remember thinking "third time's a charm" and restarting the install process again
      • From now on all went smooth. At some moment the RDP connection went down so I used the KVM console instead, just to be sure I got no more unexpected flukes.
        Upgrade succeeded (McAfee disabled)
      • There were a siries of restarts, no human intervention required. Still no RDP connectivity, all lasted about 30 minutes. I was still not sure of a positive outcome:
        finalizing your settings
        upgrade finished
        operating system start
      • Finally I got RDP control over a new server that looked like a normal, stable and reliable one.
      • At this point I was sure the operation was a successeven if some aspects still needed to be addressed !
      • Post-upgrade: identifying some issues at a first glance:

      some issues after start
      • that needed attention...:

      DHCP service not started
      ...some services that do not start and a presumed DHCP reconfiguration needed (remember it was the only sensitive, non-redundant and vital role) so I followed the steps given by the operating system itself:
      DHCP post deployment configurationDHCP post-install configuration wizard - description
      DHCP post-install configuration wizard - authorization
      DHCP post-install configuration wizard - summary

    • Once the DHCP problem was solved it all came back to normal. The other non working services were in fact set to start with delay:
      finished - all green
    • All the process lasted for about 3 hours and in the end it was all fully functional, all roles reinstated and replication with the secondary working like no change was made.

    • Operation was completed on 18.01.2014 between 6:00pm si 9:30pm (including preliminary phases) and after that we made thorough checks between 11:00am si 3:00am and the conclusion was the process was completely successful.

      I hope this detailed documentation of my work would prove to be a real help for many fellow system administrators and I am pretty sure it was the first of its kind, at least at the time the original was issued in romanian language. Now I finally took the time to translate it so it can be of some help to non-romanian speaking people.

      If some particular issues may appear or if you think any additions should be made please feel free to post your comments and I hope we can sole them together.

      sâmbătă, 18 ianuarie 2014

      Migrare "in-place" de Domain Controller de la Windows 2008 R2 la Windows 2012 R2

      Migrare "in-place" de Domain Controller de la Windows 2008 R2 la Windows 2012 R2

      Preambul: asa cum m-a sfatuit un bun prieten, de fiecare data cand am de realizat un proiect deosebit ar trebui sa realizez si un jurnal al activitatii respective pentru a fi de folos si altora care ar dori sa realizeze un astfel de proiect si nu au o sursa de inspiratie.

      Dupa o perioada de circa doua saptamani de documentare din surse accesibile de pe internet am reusit sa fac o planificare pentru migrarea unui Domain Controller configurat si functional (in productie) pe Windows 2008 R2 Standard catre Windows 2012 R2 Standard.
      Serverul initial este in productie de aproximativ 4 ani, atunci cand l-am configurat pe o masina noua, la vremea respectiva reusind si o migrare de la 2003 la 2008.
      Rolurile acestui server sunt:
      • AD DS (+NTP evident)
      • DNS (integrat) + WINS (pentru compatibilitate clienti)
      • DHCP
      • File Server + DFS (stiu ca nu e OK dar asa l-am mostenit si nu am avut hardware necesar pentru a muta acest rol la vremea respectiva)
      • Antivirus McAfee ePO - in curs de dezafectare (la fel, la vremea respectiva era singurul server disponibil)
      Upgrade "in-place" pentru cei ce nu stiu exact, inseamna sa facem upgrade la sistemul de operare al serverului 2008 existent cu pastrarea sistemului de fisiere initial, a programelor instalate si a rolurilor configurate pe acest server. Exista pe internet o groaza de pareri contradictorii, multi spun ca la upgrade de Domeniu de la 2008 la 2012 trebuie instalat un server nou si configurate rolurile de la capat. Mai sunt unii care spun ca un upgrade "in-place" ar fi posibil, conform cu o succinta informatie de la Microsoft (detalii aici). Ma exista cateva persoane care au incercat si au reusit un astfel de upgrade si au descris pe scurt suita de operatii. Nimeni insa nu a documentat o astfel de operatiune de aceea consider ca prezentarea cu lux de informatii ar fi cat se poate de utila celor care se vor intalni cu o astfel de provocare.

      De ce "upgrade in-place" ? Configurarea de la zero a unui DC cu toate rolurile conexe comporta o multime de si cu pastrarea functionalitatilor initiale, deservirea in continuare a clientilor ca si cum nimic nu s-ar fi intamplat, ca sa nu mai mentionez de timpul scurt de down-time disponibil, sunt o serie de motive serioase pentru a evita aceasta varianta, si vorbesc in cunostinta de cauza deoarece am experimentat deja, acum cativa ani un astfel de upgrade de Domeniu de la 2003 la 2008. Probabil ca ulterior voi recurge la achizitia unui server nou, instalarea lui "pe curat", transferul rolurilor si apoi decomisionarea serverului vechi. Deocamdata insa, in lipsa de hardware am considerat varianta "upgrade in-place" drept cea mai convenabila.

      Cum ne pregatim. Intai ne asiguram ca fiecare rol poate fi preluat la nevoie de un alt server, in caz de esec (si ca masura alternativa la restaurarea de backup).
      Pentru rolurile de AD DS si DNS ma bazez ca backup pe un server nou cu rol de Secondary DC, recent instalat si promovat ( atunci am inlocuit un secondary DC bazat pe Windows 2003).
      Pentru rolul de DFS exista alte doua servere care se sincronizeaza permanent in mod read/only si retin orice modificare pe serverul in cauza.
      Rolul de server ePO nu mai este de actualitate, toti clientii activi au migrat pe un alt server instalat cu ceva timp in urma. Oricum am in plan si eliminarea acestui rol,  deci nu ar fi nici o pierdere.
      Singurul rol vulnerabil in caz de probleme este cel de DHCP. Avem un scope de /22 care contine si rezervari si excluziuni de care trebuie sa tinem seama. In caz de nevoie acest rol ar putea fi configurat de la zero fara nici o problema.

      Un al doilea pas obligatoriu: trebuie sa ne asiguram de backup. Exista varianta care recomanda backup separat pentru baza de date de AD, separat pentru DHCP, etc.
      Noi, ca backup avem un  "Bare Metal" stocat pe un server cu IP (cum altfel ?) fix pe care il putem gasi in retea si fara existenta unui DHCP. Durata medie backup = 20 min. deci si restaurarea (in caz de probleme) se poate rezolva rapid cu refacerea completa a sistemului de operare si a programelor si rolurilor instalate si configurate pe serverul initial.
      Rolul de FileServer il poate prelua oricare din cei doi membri read/only, desi acest rol nu este vulnerabil deoarece urmeaza sa alteram doar partitia de sistem, teoretic partitiile de date raman intacte.

      Acum, ca am analizat toate aspectele premergatoare, putem intra in subiect.

      Pasi de urmat:
      • intai ne asiguram ca rulam cu credentiale care au drepturi administrative cel putin la nivel de domeniu sau chiar la nivel de forrest daca este cazul (nu si in cazul de fata)
      • aplicam toate update-urile de Windows pentru a aduce sistemul actual cat mai la zi (va fi folositor mai tarziu)
      • verificare ca schema AD este cel putin 2008 pentru toate serverele cu rol de DC (done and done). Pentru asta se verifica valoarea unei chei din registri (HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Parameters\), cheie care poate lua mai multe valori: pentru versiunile de Windows 2008 valoarea corecta este 47 (iar in cursul migrarii aceasta valoare se va schimba in 56 pentru Windows 2012 sau 69 pentru 2012 R2)
      • ne asiguram ca nu sintem in timpul productiei si pus offline toate serviciile descrise mai devreme
      • rulat backup "bare metal" exact inainte de inceperea procedurilor, intr-o locatie diferita de backup-ul zilnic
      • Introdus DVD cu kit de Windows 2012 Standard, sau cu versiunea dorita de sistem de operare, avand grija ca  versiunea de sistem de operare de la care plecam sa permita upgrade "in-place" (avem ca referinta aceeasi pagina Microsoft); atentie, in acest caz consideram ca lucram cu un sistem de operare cu GUI (Graphic User Interface) si migram la un sistem cu aceeasi caracteristica
      • AD DS Functional Level trebuie sa fie cel putin la nivel de 2003 pentru a fi compatibil (atentie, un domeniu upgradat de la 2000 la 2003 si apoi la 2008 poate avea in continuare un Functional Level de 2000 !!!). Pentru o mai buna intelegere a notiunii sugerez consultarea acestui link. Pentru detalii despre ridicarea nivelului functional gasiti detalii aici
      • de pe DVD rulam X:\support\adprep\adprep /forestprep unde X este discul pe care aveti DVD-ul (of-course): 

      adprep command

      • Dupa cum ni se cere apasam "C" si apoi :
      adprep result

      •  apoi X:\support\adprep\adprep /domainprep :

      Asta ne asigura ca schema s-a ridicat la 2012 si putem incepe etapa de upgrade
      • Acum suntem gata sa rulam procesul de instalare al noului sistem de operare direct din interfata grafica a sistemului existent, si anume din radacina discului de instalare. Prima etapa in executia acestui proces incepe astfel:
        copy temp files
        si apoi alegem sa nu facem nici un update (deja am ajuns la zi intr-un pas anterior):
        no windows update
      • Apoi alegem ce versiune de Windows dorim sa instalam, atentie, aici trebuie sa alegem varianta cu GUI:
        choose windows with GUI
      • dupa care selectam varianta de upgrade care lasa sistemul de fisiere, programele instalate si rolurile configurate asa cum erau ele (de unde si conceptul de "in-place"), aceasta varianta nu permite alterarea partitiilor deci conserva inclusiv discurile de date (in cazul nostru rolul de FileServer si configuratia DFS):
        choose installation type (upgrade)
      • In acest moment instalarea de Windows asigura compatibilitatea intre sistemul initial si cel ce urmeaza sa se instaleze:
        checking compatibility
      • in cazul meu aceasta verificare a dus la o prima problema de compatibilitate, si anume existenta unor roluri sau features care nu pot fi portate pe noul sistem de operare:
        compatibility report (fail)
      • Dupa oprirea procesului de instalare a noului sistem si dezinstalarea rolurilor indicate (care au cerut si un restart):
        uninstall previously named roles
      • am pornit din nou instalarea si am parcurs din nou pasii indicati anterior, rezultatul fiind de aceasta data pozitiv (cu un mic semn de exclamatie):
        compatibility report (passed)
      • De aici incepe copierea efectiva a fisierelor de pe discul de instalare...:
        upgrading windows
      • Aici ne-am lovit de urmatoarea problema, care a presupus o mica documentare suplimentara referitoare la textul erorii:
        upgrade failed, reason McAfee
      • In acest moment de (im)pas am mizat pe faptul ca, ori de cate ori antivirusul McAfee apare in primele 3 cauze la o simpla cautare a erorii, atunci el este cauza. Ca urmare am dedus ca problema era legata de antivirusul McAfee care ruleaza sub un user cu credentiale care au drept de administrare locala insa nu permite alterarea fisierelor de sistem pe un cotroller de domeniu. Presupunerea era corecta deci am dezactivat antivirusul si ... 
      • Imi aduc aminte ca, plin de incredere am zis "third time's a charm" si am reluat procesul de instalare. Atentie aici, puteti generaliza si, daca dintr-un motiv sau altul va loviti de aceeasi problema, incercati sa rezolvati probleme legate de firewall, antivirus, drepturi de acces ale userului pe care rulati procesul de instalare...
      • Totula decurs normal in continuare, la un moment dat s-a intrerupt conexiunea RDP asa ca am monitorizat in continuare de pe interfata KVM:
        Upgrade succeeded (McAfee disabled)
      • Au urmat o serie de vreo 2 sau chiar 3 restart-uri fara interventie umana, fara conectivitate RDP, acest pas a durat aproape 30 de minute (!) in care nu eram sigur inca de un rezultat pozitiv:
        finalizing your settings
        upgrade finished
        operating system start
      • Dupa care, in final, am obtinut din nou controlul prin RDP si, intr-un sistem care arata ca un Windows 2012 normal si stabil.
      • Aici am fost deja sigur ca operatiunea s-a incheiat cu succes si mai sunt doar cateva aspecte de remediat !
      • Post-upgrade: la o prima verificare am aflat ca avem unele probleme:

      some issues after start
      • care cereau atentie...:

      DHCP service not started
      ...legate de servicii care nu pornesc si de o presupusa reconfigurare de DHCP (singurul rol sensibil si fara redundanta) am urmat insa pasii indicati:
      DHCP post deployment configurationDHCP post-install configuration wizard - description
      DHCP post-install configuration wizard - authorization
      DHCP post-install configuration wizard - summary

    • Odata rezolvata problema cu DHCP-ul totul a intrat in normal, serviciile care nu porneau s-au dovedit a fi unele servicii care erau setate sa porneasca automat cu un anumit delay:
      finished - all green
    • Toata aceasta operatiune a durat aproximativ 3 ore la capatul carora s-a dovedit ca totul functioneaza OK, rolurile au fost preluate cu succes, replicarea cu cel de-al soilea sever de domeniu functioneaza fara cusur

    • Operatiunea s-a desfasurat in 18.01.2014 intre orele 6:00pm si 9:30pm (aproximativ, inclusiv fazele preliminare) dupa care am facut verificari amanuntite intre orele 11:00 si 3:00am dupa care am ajuns la concluzia ca totul functioneaza impecabil.

      Sper ca aceasta documentare sa usureze munca altor colegi de breasla si sunt aproape sigur ca este prima documentare a unui upgrade "in-place" de la un server de Active Directory de nivel 2008 la nivel 2012, cel putin in limba romana.

      In functie de situatiile particulare pot aparea eventual si alte probleme, in acest caz nu va feriti sa aduceti comentarii sau idei noi care pot imbunatati acest subiect.